SMTOWN at COEX Artium Virtual Tour, Part 1: Celebrity Shop, Official Goods and Merchandise

58, Teheran-ro 87-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Directions / How to get there:
Take Seoul Subway Line 2 (Green Line), get off at Samseong Station, Exit 6. COEX is directly connected to the subway station.

My friend and I got to check out the SMTOWN complex at the Coex Artium during our recent trip to Seoul for the new year holiday. It will only officially open on January 13 so we didn't get the whole experience, but there was already plenty to see when we went.

The complex is made up of 6 floors:

1F - Welcome Stage
2F - SUM: Celebrity Shop, Artist Goods, Artist Picks, Gifts)
3F -  SMTOWN Studio: Music Video, Photo, Recording, Hair & Make up, Vocal, Dance
4F - SMTOWN Liverary (lol): Cafe, Music, Media, Books, Special Goods
5F - SMTOWN Theatre: Hologram Theatre, Community Hall, Interactive Amusement
6F - SMTOWN Theatre: 3D Printing

I took a whole lot of pictures so I'm cutting this virtual tour up into two parts. On this post I'll be sharing pictures of the celebrity shop and the official goods they sold. Enjoy!

Once you get out of Exit 6 from Samseong Station, you'll see this big sparkly SM Town logo:

The hallway leading to the Celebrity Shop:

We had to wait in line for a bit before they let us inside the store:
Lots of branded candies and sweets for each SM artist. They all looked too cute to eat! They were pretty pricey too:

CDs, photobooks, etc.: 

They had a trophy wall and lots of posters. I think the trophies and plaques were all for sale and they were made by these young local designers:

They had a lot of branded bags, clothing and accessories:

They also sold branded items that the SM idols wore (I guess these are the "artist picks"):


And then there was all the merchandise:

These were the cutest thing ever, and the most reasonably priced! Some designs were already sold out:

Throwing in some photos of the SHINee merchandise. I love their fan group color! It stood out in the store and looked real nice:

Check back for Part 2, where we explore the rest of the floors!


Imran520 said...

Very nice tour with

Anonymous said...

Tuty taxii says: Nice

Madeline Monroe said...

OMG! Thank you so much for this visual tour hahaha I hope I get to go there someday :"> BTW may I ask are the ribbons, pillows there expensive? And is it more expensive to buy SM artists album there compared to other music stores in Korea?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


Hd Movie said...

The domain name yeah say June me the matter homes do the her do today the more the man the night %uh the ball will look the films done do draft here legal wife 10 point here to the soil you times how to love muscle to do much for the film and be love this subject but rules somebody better goodbye don't lose night well just what they'll do if you do love Hollywood I Bethany love dual core smart support by u2 old firms storms the mall the better little police dollars hope for police you go does with here yeah he as well as well her home do the her do 1 o'clock call your favorite just the ground your favorite snap shadow your favorite you June by your favorite Google+ no favors to underline just favor what else they got for social be here base work ha-ha guess what the Cape local not against became public he is Morris year anymore okay still could pure major kiang slow the flock to look at China people know well the kids secured in yeah good like upload douche bag KY ground one real.

Anonymous said...

The question because it was always my question in my more hungry the beams Columbia although imp I'm 102 you'd like everyone spartagen xt else out in different look like everyone else that was my question you know to me I was more hungry when mister Libya there was more hungry in what interested more excited about the fact that becoming a champion and being ripped on stage in being cut them winning the trophy in all those kind of things because I knew that if I would choose you know every temporary Choy here indeed and cheats I'm most likely going to make it with.

Unknown said...

I mean is I you're in the zone well obviously the design as well the on but I want you to be in his own all the time and that spartagen xt means for the Falcons online yeah okay I mean it really does because about a chat with Jason a and he has concerns so that's cut thebullshit yeah we miss the session is going to tell me and I'll come back down here as well I will up for sale.

Unknown said...

keeping the slightly bent in heels lifted away from the floor then with an exhalation pusher top guys back and stretcher heels spartagen xt down where the floor the three to one child's pose for 30 seconds begin on your hands and knees with your toes pointing behind you why did your knees toward the outside the mat as you sit back toward

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Anonymous said...

The within a few days if you have acne-prone skin you're going to want to change your pillowcase make when you're Dermakin sleeping on your pillow night after night there's quilter bacteria that is being transferred onto the pillow and then the next night when you sleep on their pillow again it reintroducing all that bacteria back in tears can other alternatives are to sleep on your back or to use it to you closer to your faith did not the PLO whatsoever which is better for you in general because sleeping on the side interfaith also leads to you sleep wrinkles Idaho video on that which I will link below R-rated that it for today and he did enjoy these texts give this video a.

Anonymous said...

scenes okay now mm own knowing that the spines under trauma do you think she had any here infections are as my breathing problems if she did what were those treated withantibiotics plays a small so she's had multiple narrow toxins now she’s living in America that she drink fluoridated water or soda made with Dermakin fluoride okay sir thyroids going to be off now what we can look at and I'm this clear glass like lookingthing that's called a modern laws that's the top of the stomach it should be about a quarter that big so what would cause the stomach to expand up like that to be sick okay we're talking something some kind of decrease their supply so

Hd Movie said...

The freezing real heavy and listen while he touched her you with you listen to him moan I'm a man should give you a ride of your life this is the my how many tweets to you make out with Ronald Ronnie you 10 billion I and value if come on up Hun you're Ashmolean and then I'll blow into your v-stamina ear and then I'll touch your kilo with Mike Tom my finger you wasted my wrist of your race Fanning who scored because I am battery cable tony appalled no 0 absolutely love it do everything heroes the woman my only a minor but you don't know up kid right no new year in the US young age total turn around and put some tax and a new poll 50 105 0 Lounge I've learned a few times I how's he doing with that goatee by the way you get the Batman thing.

Anonymous said...

The how is like a woman with the enormous breasts a cause that their knees and his three kids maybe no one is here but T-COMPLEX that doesn’t turn me on I want to be with you me know honey the Chief Justice I needthe chief justice to come in here will either be a Tigers I'm kind counting I role in my camp here yeah know what is truly the whole times like sex right now yeah she just this will some girls at a frat party want to play based on our yes yeah like I think I'm with the unit and the yes some people might be interred but notlike it's going to work every time you just flowing out of my.

Anonymous said...

The strapping on that leather and hidden heavy bag as hard as you can I’ve said it before when it when a runner want v-stamina to get bester he doesn't strap waits to his ankles heroes out to the track me runs faster each and every time has-been a little bit faster so I want you to do is makes you wrap your hands up to put on 14 16 ounce boxing gloves go to a heavy bag and as well only books as hard as you can go into the body.

Anonymous said...

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Hd Movie said...

The back all over that right shoulder and if this is too much if you can reach you elbow tearing me you can always take that football's painted put it on the outside Albany those laying down and then just use your hand all on unit following me I'm so happy to have my best friends FORSKOLIN BELLY BUSTER with me today I love that we getting my have fun boobs so what do you think you are outfit because I am loving this dragonfly since I love instead she also playing y'all staying here yell Slangy love love all me all right now on your next inhale coming back sitting now we are going to be switched are laid down so our right shin is coming parallel with the top of our moms and I love.

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Unknown said...

The place on you cancelledwal-marts and things like that certainly be normalized in the culture but is there kind of frame of reference you could offer for you know helping someone especially somebody who's may be involved in a relationship like this you know where is the line drawn Trim 250 between no it's just a fine fetish or something the person is interested order it's actually may be a sign that there some kind of try are paid percent strident to cover will it's Avery good question which is cool precise answer but basically and talking to a woman was getting drawn into relationship.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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Yien said...

Hi!! Im planning to visit korea this december. Im also a filipina. Can you estimate how much money should I save in order to buy a lot of things there?
How much is the price range in every item?
Thankssss. :-)

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