About Filipina in Flip Flops

Daene Luna, twenty-something
Day Job: Cube dweller for a multinational

Favorite Travel Picture: There are plenty, but if I had to choose, it'd be this one -

Travel Must-Haves: My iPod, a good book, and a camera

Favorite Travel Book: It's a toss-up between Peter Mayle's A Year in Provence and Che Guevara's The Motorcyle Diaries (it's more than just a travel book of course, but the idea of just leaving everything behind to go on an adventure with a good friend is inspiring to me)

Favorite Songs when Traveling: It changes on every trip but some songs that are always in my playlist include -
1. "No Stopping Us", Jason Mraz
2. "Insomnio", Alejandro Flores and Cafe Tacuba
3. "Better Together", Jack Johnson
4. "Underneath it All", No Doubt
5. "Kiss Kiss Kiss", Ananda Project

Top Three Dream Destinations:

Mt. Roraima, Venezuela

Tuscany, Italy
(The whole of Europe, actually)

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Image Credits:
Mt. Roraima: http://robertar.googlepages.com/southernvenezuela&thegransabana
Tuscany: http://www.flickr.com/photos/gmacorig/sets/72157600667884089/
Angkor Wat: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stuckincustoms/sets/72157600312609333/


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Anonymous said...

Hi Daene,

I really like your travel blog and have a guest blogging proposition for you.
If you are interested please email me at shreya.bhatia@steakgroup.com

Best Wishes

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