Snapshots: AJ Hackett Macau Tower

Indeed, why live on the edge when you can jump right off it?

Last year on our trip to Macau and Hong Kong, I sucked it up, prayed all the prayers I knew while I cussed all the cuss words I knew (yes, fear can make you contradict yourself), entrusted my life to the hands of the very dependable AJ Hackett Macau Tower crew, and did my very first bungee jump. It was an exhilarating, and I know I say this often (thanks to Barney Stinson), but it was seriously a legendary experience.

It was my first bungee jump, and I would go to great lengths to make sure it wouldn't be my last. New Zealand, anyone? You'll have to give me some time though - I have to save up first.


Pinay in Dutchland said...

I know what you mean girl. Bungee jumping can really shake your soul! It was fear that I never knew existed but Im glad we overcome. Kudos to us. Looking forward to your next jump. I will do mine this summer.

Daene | Filipina in Flip Flops said...

It really can! If you want to man up and get a pair of balls, bungee jumping is the way to do it. Even for girls. Haha!

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